Servant Leaders


Sunday School 10:00 AM ~ Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

Servant Leaders

Mt Zion Baptist Church is blessed to have ministers, and teachers who are truly dedicated to Christ's teachings.  A commitment to God's word in preaching the Gospel, and teaching for renewing the mind, and spirit to the Kingdom way as vessels in the development of God's family.   

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"    Ephesians 4:11-12  KJV

Pastoral Vacancy

Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023

Candidates must be licensed, ordained Baptist ministers. Must have a clear understanding of Baptist Doctrine and the Articles of Faith and their practical application to the church today; must demonstrate the ability to prepare and deliver sound Biblical teachings and messages that will promote congregants to live in service for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A complete resume must include all ministerial experience, academic background, administrative experience, community involvement, and a digital copy of two to three live sermons and anticipated range of monetary compensation.                                                    

Send to: Mt. Zion Pulpit Committee  c/o Sis. Laura Hamilton

Respond via text or email  (205) 362-2230 or


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Candidates must be licensed, ordained Baptist ministers. Must have a clear understanding of Baptist Doctrine and the Articles of Faith and their practical application to the church today; must demonstrate the ability to prepare and deliver sound Biblical teachings and messages that will promote congregants to live in service for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A complete resume must include all ministerial experience, academic background, administrative experience, community involvement, and a digital copy of two to three live sermons and anticipated range of monetary compensation.                                                    

Send to: Mt. Zion Pulpit Committee  c/o Sis. Laura Hamilton

Respond via text or email  (205) 362-2230 or


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Minister Robert Williams

Former Pastor

October 8, 2022, Rev. Robert Williams and the Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Zion, IL announce their amicable separation.  We appreciate Rev. Williams' 11 years of service and we pray God's grace and mercy over him, his family, and his future endeavors.  We solicit the prayers of our members and friends for Rev. Williams, his family and for Mt. Zion

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October 8, 2022, Rev. Robert Williams and the Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Zion, IL announce their amicable separation.  We appreciate Rev. Williams' 11 years of service and we pray God's grace and mercy over him, his family, and his future endeavors.  We solicit the prayers of our members and friends for Rev. Williams, his family and for Mt. Zion

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Rev. Dr. B.J. Gaston

Pastor Emeritus (47 years, 1964-2011)

In February of 1964, Rev. B. J. Gaston, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was called as pastor.  With a portion of the lower level and a dirt-filled parking lot, Pastor Gaston had work to do.  There were many days and nights that Pastor Gaston and some of the members had to push water out of the basement in order to have a worship service.  They also had their share of getting stuck in the muddy parking lot.  In spite of it all, more and more souls were brought to Christ. 

On November 17, 2010, Pastor Gaston called a special meeting to announce his retirement.  It was with great sadness that the church accepted his resignation effective May of 2011. 

See "Church History" for more on Rev. Dr. B.J. Gaston, Pastor Emeritus

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In February of 1964, Rev. B. J. Gaston, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was called as pastor.  With a portion of the lower level and a dirt-filled parking lot, Pastor Gaston had work to do.  There were many days and nights that Pastor Gaston and some of the members had to push water out of the basement in order to have a worship service.  They also had their share of getting stuck in the muddy parking lot.  In spite of it all, more and more souls were brought to Christ. 

On November 17, 2010, Pastor Gaston called a special meeting to announce his retirement.  It was with great sadness that the church accepted his resignation effective May of 2011. 

See "Church History" for more on Rev. Dr. B.J. Gaston, Pastor Emeritus

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Minister Lavan T. Pipes

Associate Minister

Lavan T. Pipes was appointed to serve as Mt Zion Baptist Church's Associate Minister and the Minister of Music, in April 2011 under the leadership of Pastor R.. E. Williams. Prior to that, he served as Associate Minister of Frontier Southern Baptist Church in North Las Vegas, Nevada.

The attributes that best describe Minister Pipes as an Associate Minister and Minister of Music are strong preaching, leadership, faithful in duty, loyal to God's calling, musical educator, and worship leader.  He loves to serve in a church like Mt Zion, where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. Minister Pipes takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending time in study and in prayer.

He is currently pursuing a degree in Theology.

Minister Pipes has been happily married for 9 years to his wife, Tiffany D. Taylor-Pipes. They are blessed with six wonderful children: Bishop, Gloria, Christiaan, Taylor, Isabella, and Fyodore.

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Lavan T. Pipes was appointed to serve as Mt Zion Baptist Church's Associate Minister and the Minister of Music, in April 2011 under the leadership of Pastor R.. E. Williams. Prior to that, he served as Associate Minister of Frontier Southern Baptist Church in North Las Vegas, Nevada.

The attributes that best describe Minister Pipes as an Associate Minister and Minister of Music are strong preaching, leadership, faithful in duty, loyal to God's calling, musical educator, and worship leader.  He loves to serve in a church like Mt Zion, where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. Minister Pipes takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending time in study and in prayer.

He is currently pursuing a degree in Theology.

Minister Pipes has been happily married for 9 years to his wife, Tiffany D. Taylor-Pipes. They are blessed with six wonderful children: Bishop, Gloria, Christiaan, Taylor, Isabella, and Fyodore.

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Minister Kevin McCoy Sr

Associate Minister

Kevin McCoy Sr was appointed to serve at Mt Zion Baptist Church on March 28, 2021. Prior to that, he served as Deacon of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist in  Zion, IL.  The attributes that best describe Minister McCoy.  He is a God-fearing man raised in Mt Zion Baptist Church where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. Minister McCoy takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending hours of his day focused on Bible study.

He graduated from the College of Lake County in 2013  with a degree in Liberal Arts.

Minister McCoy has been happily married for  9 years to his wife, Shauna McCoy. They have five children: SaMyra, Eddie, Kevin Jr., Caleb, and Derek.

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Kevin McCoy Sr was appointed to serve at Mt Zion Baptist Church on March 28, 2021. Prior to that, he served as Deacon of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist in  Zion, IL.  The attributes that best describe Minister McCoy.  He is a God-fearing man raised in Mt Zion Baptist Church where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. Minister McCoy takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending hours of his day focused on Bible study.

He graduated from the College of Lake County in 2013  with a degree in Liberal Arts.

Minister McCoy has been happily married for  9 years to his wife, Shauna McCoy. They have five children: SaMyra, Eddie, Kevin Jr., Caleb, and Derek.

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Sis Lue Lewis

Kingdom Trainer

Lue Lewis, when I was a child I use to play school with my friends.  I always wanted to be a teacher.

As I grew older, I still wanted to be a teacher.   My curriculum choice in college was never a question; I wanted to be a teacher. I became a teacher.  I always found it very challenging and rewarding.   Soon after joining Mt. Zion, I was sitting on the pew, minding my own business, and Pastor Gaston approached me about coming to Sunday School Teachers’ Meeting.  One of our teachers had moved away, and he hoped I would fill in – just temporary, of course. That was over thirty years ago and I am still filling in.  I absolutely love it!  And now I realize, I didn’t want to be a teacher – God called me to be a teacher.   It is in my spiritual DNA.  There is nothing better than leading a man, woman, boy, or girl to Christ and to the understanding of His precious Word.  I thank and praise God for the privilege of using me, leading me, and guiding me by way of His Holy Spirit as I continue to “ fill in”.

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Lue Lewis, when I was a child I use to play school with my friends.  I always wanted to be a teacher.

As I grew older, I still wanted to be a teacher.   My curriculum choice in college was never a question; I wanted to be a teacher. I became a teacher.  I always found it very challenging and rewarding.   Soon after joining Mt. Zion, I was sitting on the pew, minding my own business, and Pastor Gaston approached me about coming to Sunday School Teachers’ Meeting.  One of our teachers had moved away, and he hoped I would fill in – just temporary, of course. That was over thirty years ago and I am still filling in.  I absolutely love it!  And now I realize, I didn’t want to be a teacher – God called me to be a teacher.   It is in my spiritual DNA.  There is nothing better than leading a man, woman, boy, or girl to Christ and to the understanding of His precious Word.  I thank and praise God for the privilege of using me, leading me, and guiding me by way of His Holy Spirit as I continue to “ fill in”.

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Sis. Rose Peters

Youth Kingdom Trainer

Rose Peters, the mother of two awesome children, Tuwanda & Warren Peters  I have been a member of the Mt. Zion Baptist church for 59 years.  Under the Leadership of Dr. BJ Gaston and the training of the Holy Spirit, I have been a Christian Education Sunday School teacher for 29 years.  I am a graduate of the Mckinley Theological Seminary.

Teaching the word of God and obedience to His word is a sure vehicle to eternal life which is the believer's hope.  I believe that Sunday School is the reaching (Deut. 31:12) teaching ( Acts 5:42). and the caring arm of God's church.  Reaching people by teaching them the word of God, drawing them to Christ because we care
about their eternal soul.
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Rose Peters, the mother of two awesome children, Tuwanda & Warren Peters  I have been a member of the Mt. Zion Baptist church for 59 years.  Under the Leadership of Dr. BJ Gaston and the training of the Holy Spirit, I have been a Christian Education Sunday School teacher for 29 years.  I am a graduate of the Mckinley Theological Seminary.

Teaching the word of God and obedience to His word is a sure vehicle to eternal life which is the believer's hope.  I believe that Sunday School is the reaching (Deut. 31:12) teaching ( Acts 5:42). and the caring arm of God's church.  Reaching people by teaching them the word of God, drawing them to Christ because we care
about their eternal soul.
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Sis. Mae McCoy

Kingdom Trainer

Mae McCoy has a degree in both Business Management/Administration from Columbia College, as well a degree in Religion acquired from McKinley Theological Seminary.

My natural love for my fellow man, my brothers, and my sisters is what drives my desire to reach the hearts and minds of all whom God sends my way. What motivates me is when I see in others' hunger and thirst for knowledge and understanding of God’s word. It drives me to share what God has given me. 

Ecclesiastes 9:10  Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
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Mae McCoy has a degree in both Business Management/Administration from Columbia College, as well a degree in Religion acquired from McKinley Theological Seminary.

My natural love for my fellow man, my brothers, and my sisters is what drives my desire to reach the hearts and minds of all whom God sends my way. What motivates me is when I see in others' hunger and thirst for knowledge and understanding of God’s word. It drives me to share what God has given me. 

Ecclesiastes 9:10  Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
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Dea. Herbert McCoy

Kingdom Trainer

Herbert McCoy, I have an associate degree in religion from McKinley Theological  Seminary where I learned the value of the knowledge of God‘s word in the heart, mind, and spirit of the believer. From this knowledge came the wisdom and the desire to instill into others hunger and a thirst for God‘s word. My joy arrives from the ability to teach others the same values that are found in God’s word.

Psalms. 19:14  Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Herbert McCoy, I have an associate degree in religion from McKinley Theological  Seminary where I learned the value of the knowledge of God‘s word in the heart, mind, and spirit of the believer. From this knowledge came the wisdom and the desire to instill into others hunger and a thirst for God‘s word. My joy arrives from the ability to teach others the same values that are found in God’s word.

Psalms. 19:14  Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Sis. Tuwanda Peters

Kingdom Trainer

Tuwanda  a member of Mt. Zion for more than 40 years.  Studies in Christian Education, in 1995 received an Associate degree from McKinley Theological Seminary. 

Sis T is a Kingdom Trainer for both the youth and adults with a passion for teaching the Kingdom Principles.  When we come into Christ, he "reteaches" all of us to the Kingdom way/process in how our Father wants to operate in our lives. Scripture according to 2 Timothy 3:16, has two book-ends that prop us up that is inspiration and righteousness; these two work together in correcting and guiding us to reflect Christ and honor God.  We take the seed of God's word (Luke 8:11) and skilfully plant it so it grows up properly in the youth and adults, as they grow up in God training them to recognize Kingdom ways in such a challenging world.  Teaching God's word takes energy, the power in the word requires it.  "Breakfast in the Word" is the ministry where understanding can come, and why Sunday School is important.   The Kingdom Principles teach not only the word but the process, when we have faith in the process it will lead us to guaranteed promises and blessings for the whole person (3 John 1:2).

I love to see Christians AND non-believers hear and receive the Kingdom teaching (Romans 10:17), and their faith moves to a change LIFE in Christ!   A life-changing Word! (James 1:22)

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Tuwanda  a member of Mt. Zion for more than 40 years.  Studies in Christian Education, in 1995 received an Associate degree from McKinley Theological Seminary. 

Sis T is a Kingdom Trainer for both the youth and adults with a passion for teaching the Kingdom Principles.  When we come into Christ, he "reteaches" all of us to the Kingdom way/process in how our Father wants to operate in our lives. Scripture according to 2 Timothy 3:16, has two book-ends that prop us up that is inspiration and righteousness; these two work together in correcting and guiding us to reflect Christ and honor God.  We take the seed of God's word (Luke 8:11) and skilfully plant it so it grows up properly in the youth and adults, as they grow up in God training them to recognize Kingdom ways in such a challenging world.  Teaching God's word takes energy, the power in the word requires it.  "Breakfast in the Word" is the ministry where understanding can come, and why Sunday School is important.   The Kingdom Principles teach not only the word but the process, when we have faith in the process it will lead us to guaranteed promises and blessings for the whole person (3 John 1:2).

I love to see Christians AND non-believers hear and receive the Kingdom teaching (Romans 10:17), and their faith moves to a change LIFE in Christ!   A life-changing Word! (James 1:22)

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